with your Congregation through text

For the majority of society, the preferred method of communication is texting. Our texting app offers unique benefits to your congregation.

Text Service Announcements

Many churches debate the best time to effectively give announcements without disrupting the atmosphere of the worship service. Eliminate all debate by communicating church announcements and reminders through text. Mass text messaging your announcements streamlines the announcement process and opens up valuable service time.


Text Giving Reminders & Prompts

Most churches are already using an online platform to collect tithes and offerings. Why not use mass texting to send your church the link to whatever online giving platform you use?! This text can serve as a reminder to give, as well as provide an easy link to your platform of choice.


Share Bible Verses, Devotionals, and Prayer Requests

Mass text messaging services enable you to encourage and inspire your church members by sending out daily Bible verses or sharing a devotional thought. It can even be used to quickly and effectively communicate prayer requests with your church family.

Engage with Youth Groups

Peanut butter & Jelly. Macaroni & Cheese. Teenagers & Cell Phones. They just go together. Take advantage of their favorite and most preferred form of communication through a mass texting service. Communicate announcements, events, devotional thoughts and more through mass text… you’ll thank us later!


"Messaging our congregation important information has been so helpful to keep people informed" -Small Group leader